Money Secrets

I can do what... with my money and astrology!


There’s something most people don’t know.

We all have an inner unique astrology money personality!

Discover how to get what you’ve always secretly wanted.

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Courage to Be You

I help you unlock your own path to financial freedom.

Together we help you discover your money personality using a combination of your astrological birth chart and the psychology of your mind and personality. You’ll learn how to align the real you by removing blocks in your relationship to abundance.

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Joy of Excellence

Help is at hand.

With over 20 years of experience in the finance industry, I’ll help you learn about money management in a way that is aligned to your astrology personality and make it easy to understand. No more losing track or juggling debt. Together we help you write your own success story and get you what you really want.

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Inspired Financial Success

Yes, ladies you can have your shoes and your handbags too!

Together we help you take control of your financial success and guide you through fundamental wealth skills. This is what you’ll wish you were taught years ago.

Decisions and strategies to save, invest… and YES… spend on those gorgeous shoes too, are easier once you know how!

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You’re not alone, we help you:

- Discover your secret money astrology chart

- Learn how to take control and set yourself up for financial freedom

- Get on track by first gaining clarity about what you want and second, deciding on a path to get there

- Unlock financial freedom by discovering how your money personality manages and grows money best. Let’s help you make your money, make more money for you and how you can have fun doing it too!

Do you ever silently wonder…?

“When will it get easier?”

“Where did all my money go?”

“Why does my money seem to disappear like odd socks in the wash?”

“I should have… could have… had my financial shit together by now.”

“It feels like I take one step forward and three back.”

“I feel hopeless, I’ll never have enough.”

You’re not alone, there are more women than you realise, who think and feel like this. They, like you, struggle to break free of what's holding them back from feeling financially safe and secure.

Here’s the good news, it’s easier than you think. Once we show you how to take charge of your relationship to money, and discover your secret money astrology chart, then abundant thoughts, feelings and habits fall quickly into place.

You are in the right place; you don’t have to do this alone....

We help you smile from the inside out and step into the life you want with financial security and confidence.

Hi there, I’m Philippa Hunt

I have over 20 years experience in the finance industry and have helped hundreds of people secure a bright financial future. But uniquely in this industry, with a background in psychology and astrology, I also understand that we all have a secret money astrology chart and a unique money personality based on the psychology of the mind and our astrological birth chart.

Sharing this unique combination of skills with you, means your path to financial literacy, competence and freedom, will take into account your unique money personality. Together, we’ll create a clear path forward with you. You’ll know what to do with what you’ve got and how to make it grow.

I help you get unstuck by guiding you through proven steps. You'll realise you can have the life, confidence, and choices you've always wanted, and you can have them now!

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Yes, life can throw us curveballs… but those challenges no longer need to throw us off track.

I have helped many women, just like you. 

I’ve helped them move past what stops them from having the financial freedom that they want. I’ve helped them step forward, to live a full and rewarding life, safe in the knowledge that their financial future is secure.  

Together, let’s embrace your unique money personality. Let’s address any saving, spending or investing habits, thinking or emotional blocks that have held you back. I’ll help you get clear about what you want, educate you on what to do and when, so you can take the fastest path forward.

Here are three ways I can help you:


Secret Astrology Money Chart Consult

Connect one-on-one with Philippa Hunt on a private zoom consult. Discover your unique money personality and astrological money profile and chart.

Philippa will help you uncover the blocks with money that have stopped you in the past. You'll be guided through the results of your unique money personality birth chart reading, and psychological profile survey. These results provide Philippa with a clear profile to match your money personality, revealing your secret pathway to positive financial flow.

This 60-minute consult with Philippa includes your full 30-page money astrology report and a 30-page astrology birth chart, with tailored guidance for your financial path forward.

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One-on-one private coaching

Book a complimentary 15-minute consult with Philippa to discuss your financial needs and discover more about Philippa’s one on one coaching program to financial freedom.

When you and Philippa both decide you’re the right fit, then your coaching program will be held via zoom.

Experience intimate online coaching sessions to take your financial future into your own hands.

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Online Courses and Products

Discover a combination of online learning and group support with our WiseGirls Money Magic Online Program.

This is a six-module hands-on learning platform with video and audio guidance and LIVE group coaching calls and support via a private Facebook Group with Philippa Hunt.

Feel supported as you learn the financial skills for an independent and secure future.

Discover why you do what you do with your money currently, and make your money work better for you!


Carla Woods
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